Hello! This is Nou de Data

A blog where I’ll show the nitty-gritty side of my data science journey. “Nou” means both nut and new in Catalan, and I chose this name for the blog, because a nut is a seed, which means the start of something new. And I want my articles in this blog to be just that, a seed or support for others in their journeys, the same way the community helped me when I started.

Here I’ll post behind the scenes for my projects as I’ve always loved to hear about how other programmers faced their problems and the reasons behind the choices they make. I’m still learning, heck I have tons to learn so I guess this blog will also serve as a record of my own journey. You will also find resources, tips and tricks I’ve picked up along the way.

Hope you find it useful, and if you have a comment, suggestion or just want to chat, feel free to leave a comment or email me.

About me

Hello, my name is Andrea, and I’m the writer behind Nou de Data. I’m a Mechanical Engineer and self-taught programmer, who fell in love with data  while working on my college degree. That led me to pursue a specialisation in Statistics and Data Science. And since 2020 I’ve been working on Data Science projects applied to the field of Mechanical Engineering.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about me, work or collaborate with me, you can find my portfolio at andrearondon.com.

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